People reaching senior positions inevitably need to report to a Board or executive committee. Limited prior exposure does little to prepare a person, when appointed to a CEO role, for the sharp reality of the way to care for and feed board members. Stories abound of strained relationships, often due to mismatched expectations. Whether you […]
Leadership Insights: a conversation with Br Tony Whelan
The following captures the thoughts of Br Tony Whelan, Director of Schools for the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, on a range of career progression and development matters, as recorded during a question and answer session with Trak Search. It is targeted for leaders and aspiring leaders with the information best used in conjunction with […]
Leadership Insights: a conversation with Mr Frank Pitt
The following captures the thoughts of Frank Pitt on a range of career progression and development matters, as recorded during a question and answer session with Trak Search. It is targeted for leaders and aspiring leaders with the information best used in conjunction with discussions with a person’s manager/supervisor. Frank’s biographical overview is shown at […]
Leadership Insights: A conversation with Mr Greg Whitby
The following captures the thoughts of Greg Whitby on a range of career progression and development matters, as recorded during a question and answer session with Trak Search. It is targeted for leaders and aspiring leaders with the information best used in conjunction with discussions with a person’s manager/supervisor. Greg’s biographical overview is shown at […]
Leadership Insights: a conversation with Natalie McNamara
Leadership Insights: a conversation with Natalie McNamara, a leader in Catholic Education The following is an attempt to capture the thoughts and wisdom of Natalie McNamara, with the responses recorded during a question and answer session with Trak Search. Given some repetition in the questions, there are some recurring themes in Natalie’s responses. Natalie’s biographical […]